Barbell exercises to create wild MM crash

2.jpg Speaking of barbells, people think of weightlifting, thinking that it is more dangerous and is used to practice strength and exercise muscle. In fact, barbell gymnastics is a fun sport that combines barbells and aerobics. It is not just a fitness-type fitness program. In fact, barbell exercise is an aerobic exercise that is not very strong and very interesting. It is a lovely project in the health club. And after practicing this course, you don't have to worry about becoming "five and three rough" and challenge every muscle in you. What are you waiting for?

So, what are the details of practicing barbell exercises? How can barbell exercises be more effective? How can barbell exercises be more powerful and wild?

Barbell exercises note:

First: Like kickboxing, when practicing barbell exercises, you should wear a more intimate body so that you will not be affected by the looseness of your clothes. You should wear comfortable and soft-soled sneakers under your feet.

Second: To act according to the rhythm of music, use music as the standard for the speed of movement;

Third: Do not fully stretch the joints during exercise, give your body a buffer, and exercise will be better;

Fourth: According to their own situation to grasp the amount of exercise, not too reluctant to, we must not stop in a timely manner, action should be done as far as possible to do the standard, there are quality to complete the action will not be injured.

Barbell exercises course settings:

Barbell exercises are divided into 10 sessions, 5 minutes each. Normally, the barbell exercises use a standardized training method, performing a series of free weight exercises, pursuing the maximum intensity within the prescribed time, challenging each muscle in your body.

During practice, choose a barbell of appropriate weight, consisting of 2.5 kg, 5 kg, and 10 kg, respectively. You can make your own choices with your own abilities, and add rhythmic music to your teammates. vitality. The coach will adjust the weight of the barbell according to the athlete's physical condition. Different exercises consume different amounts of calories, so you don’t have to worry about practicing for a long time and you’ll become “five and three.”

The main action of the exercises is to hold a barbell to do exercises, to dance harmoniously in music, and to combine training with the body. Lift the barbell up and down on your chest, then lift your head and put it on your back. Repeat and lift it.

If you are doing exercises for your wrists and arms, you can remove a barbell piece and hold a barbell piece in front of your body to relax and stretch with the music. You can also take off all the weights from one side of the barbell, and then put up the barbell. Hold the barbell on the other side with both hands. Hold your toes up and down. Rotate around for about four minutes. Your back will feel tingly. This is where the practitioner should continue to practice in a different way.

In training, the coach will also incorporate some body muscle training, perform some stretching and stretching exercise, make each movement more in place, more harmonious, and also avoid the possibility of muscle damage.

Many exercises in barbell exercises are performed in a standing position. This will cause the muscle tissue of many parts of the body to bear weight and repeat the exercise to strengthen the metabolism. Its main role is to shape the muscles and strengthen the strength, durability and bone of the muscles. Density. Studies and surveys have shown that a 60-minute barbell exercise class consumes an average of 556 calories for men and 390 calories for women on average.

Barbell exercises use a standardized training method to perform a series of free weight exercises that allow trainers to gain more passion from group barbell training. What is more important is that many women practice together and can stimulate each other, drive each other, compete with each other, and achieve the quantity and quality that one can't achieve when practicing. In each action to adhere to 3 to 4 minutes, the exercise of female endurance, there is really a multiplier effect.

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