TRIM ultra-thin-wall packaging successfully commercial application

For a long time, users have a misunderstanding about the internal standard packaging, and believe that this packaging method is costly and is only suitable for high-end products. In fact, with the advancement of technology, the cost of mould internal packaging has been greatly reduced in recent years. Even KFC's fast food packaging is using internal standard packaging.

When it comes to in-mold labeling (IML) systems, Stackteck Systems, Inc. has many years of experience in the development of this technology. Stackteck is a global manufacturer of multi-cavity molds that mass-produces molds and mold carriers for general-purpose packaging, thin-walled packaging, caps, and medical devices. Over the past few years, 80 sets of in-mold labeling systems have been installed. Stackteck not only designs and manufactures molds, but also expands capabilities such as system integration (robots and automation), and can perform system evaluations internally. The company will also train customers to understand how these complex systems are set up and operated.

At the IMLCON conference (Friday, February 20-21, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA), Jordan Robertson, business development and marketing manager at Stackteck, introduced the company’s unique patent pending TRIM technology (thin-walled concave The first commercial application of injection molding Thin Recess Injection Molding. Robson explained that the customer is SriThai Superware, who presented challenging requirements to Stackteck, hoping to find a way to reduce the weight of an award-winning container, which is a 64-oz. circular bucket used to popcorn in a movie theater. It has been limited by traditional thin-walled packaging.

“It has been demonstrated that the traditional lightweight container length/thickness (L/T) ratio of 300 can be made into thinner containers to reduce weight by more than 40%,” says Robertson. “By designing the TRIM vessel to its limit, approximately 90% of the vessel uses an ultra-thin plate, which saves 41% of the weight. The wall thickness of most surfaces of the vessel has a length/thickness ratio (L/T) equivalent to 550.

The original container was the winner of the Mould Decoration Association's Best Container Product of the Year Award.

Initially, because the company needed to install display molds for its second-generation in-mold labeling test items, TRIM was developed by Stackteck as a research and development project. Since then, Stackteck has used the mold for trade shows and mechanical open displays.

"It took a long time for such commercial applications," said Robertson. “At first, we used a small curling edge because of the thick place like a picture frame and squeezing the thinner area.”

All ribs are the same size, and Stackteck thins the top edge to reduce weight. This is new compared to other core technologies. Stackteck uses the original mold and can run on the same machine that originally produced 64-oz barrels, eliminating the need to build a new mold and saving the mold cost for the customer SriThai. Since this product is cost-sensitive, this has great advantages for the company.

Henry Rozema, StackTeck’s vice president of sales and marketing, said, “One of the powerful aspects of TRIM technology is that it can remove the mold from the machine, replace the core parts, and then it can be the same as before The lighter parts of the machine were dramatically started on the table. The ribs inside the container made it easy to fill the container as before. In the present case, a side ear was also included at the edge and connected to the handle.

Rozma added: "Our customers have been able to achieve significant cost savings, only a small investment in the replacement parts. We can now make the weight of the container at or below the weight of thermoformed containers, while maintaining a special container injection molding Features, such as tamper-proof break tags, to add value to the package.”

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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