Jade mattress

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Jade mattress

When it comes to jade mattresses, everyone must think of jade. In fact, many so-called jade mattresses are made of stone. So many manufacturers seize this kind of psychology to create jade mattresses, the price of jade mattresses is also relatively high, so the jade mattress is ok?

Here, furniture fans want to tell you that jade contains the beneficial trace elements needed by the human body. Wearing jade for a long time can not only make it better, but also beneficial to people's health. The jade mattress made of jade tablets also has health care for the human body. The effect, if used properly, can regulate the body well, so if it is a real jade-inlaid mattress, it is really healthy.

Extended reading : the type of mattress and how to choose

Depending on the size and workmanship of the natural jadeite used (hexagonal or round), it is made from hundreds to thousands of different numbers of jade pieces, and the outer side is shaped by high-intensity leather with constant heat. The jade pieces are fixed on the mattress leather by gluing or mesh, and the temperature can be adjusted at will by double temperature control. The mats of jade mattresses are mostly made of heat-non-deformable leather. The mats are fixed with hundreds or thousands of jade pieces by gluing or mesh. The advanced Korean carbon fiber heating technology can be used for cooling and heating. Can be adjusted at will.

According to the different materials used and the quality of the production process, the price of jade mattresses is very different. The material is generally between 200 yuan and 500 yuan, and the price of high-grade materials is fine at about 800. Yuan to two thousand yuan or even higher.

Here, fans of furniture remind you that there are a lot of fake jade mattresses on the market, and there are thousands of people who don’t know the actual production process. The jade mattress has a certain health function, and the medical function is promoted. Please do not believe that it is the right choice to go to the hospital if you are sick. At present, there are many merchants producing electric jade mattresses, and consumers should carefully choose when buying to avoid being deceived.

Further reading : The type and material knowledge of the brown mattress is different.

Gloabl Sports Equipments Co.,Ltd , https://www.sandingarchery.com

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