Several kinds of food make you eat more and more beautiful

First, salt
Ingesting too much salt wakes up early the next morning and is prone to edema around the eyes. It is because the skin around the eyes is thin and easily absorbs moisture. As you get older, it will be even more serious.
Food skimmed milk oil secretion blood sugar skin health
Second, sugar
Too much sugar can cause the same damage to the skin as the result of too high blood sugar. Therefore, for the health of the skin, try to eat less sweets.
Third, shell seafood
Shelled seafood such as crabs and oysters, as well as seaweed and spinach, contain a lot of iodine, which is easy to cause acne. If you only eat this type of food occasionally, it will not have a big impact.
Fourth, high glycemic index food
Foods with high glycemic index break down quickly during digestion and release glucose quickly into the circulatory system. Foods with a high glycemic index can easily lead to elevated blood sugar, which can damage tissues in the skin and cause wrinkles.
Five, skim milk
Drinking skim milk is easy to cause acne. Because skim milk contains a large amount of biologically active hormones, it can stimulate the secretion of oil from the skin.
Sixth, alcohol
The more dehydrated the wine is, the more severe it will be, and the more likely it is to cause wrinkles on the skin.

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