Personalized packaging design analysis

Abstract: Changes in the form of consumption and the prevalence of self-selected supermarkets have enabled the promotion of packaging to be further strengthened! Attractive personalized packaging has begun to attract consumers. This article analyzes the design of personalized packaging.

Keywords: personalized packaging design, marketing, consumer, visual flow

After China's accession to the WTO, the market for future commodity packaging will gradually expand, undoubtedly bringing challenges and opportunities to the Chinese packaging industry! This will directly stimulate the rapid development of China's packaging industry! With the advancement of society and the rapid advancement of science and technology, fundamental changes have taken place in people’s consumption patterns and consumption structures. The traditional retail sales of counters has been gradually replaced by self-selected supermarkets. Consumers have become very rational in the face of a wide selection of self-selected goods, which has completely changed the consumer psychology of the past, which is inexpensive and beautiful, and has exquisite packaging and a good corporate image. As the primary condition for the purchase of goods, conduct image consumption. Therefore, whether goods can be successfully sold in supermarkets depends to a large extent on the promotion of the packaging of goods and the promotion of the packaging itself! That is, the designer gives the product personality quality, style characteristics, and features that attract consumption. The visual communication information of the package is also developed from the past with complicated contents, and the details of the design are developed into a simple and simple geometric abstract design that only emphasizes the brand and product information. The image shaping and expression has developed into animated, natural and lively humanity and organic shape development, thus forming a trend of personalized packaging design! As a result, the brand that focuses on packaging design began to become popular!

Personalized packaging design is a kind of design method that involves a wide range and has a great impact. Whether it is the corporate image, the product itself or the public welfare, there is a great deal of relevance and influence. When designing, it must be considered systematically. Analysis of positions to establish and understand various considerations. This article analyzes the topic of consumer interest and explores the design of personalized packaging.

(a) Personalized packaging design should first emphasize market research.

Market research largely determines the direction of product packaging design. In order to accurately understand the psychological activities of customers to purchase goods, to grasp the changing state of the market and the new propensity to consume, packaging designers must move toward the society, step into the market to reach consumers, conduct consumer surveys and analyze research. Because the correct market research is a scientific method to systematically collect market intelligence survey activities, it is the beginning of the whole design work. It not only can provide reference for design ideas, but also can provide necessary materials and corresponding materials for personalized packaging design. Reference. This is the only basis for personalized packaging design positioning!

The main contents of the survey are divided into three aspects: (1) Understand consumer demand motivation and behavior. The factors influencing consumers' purchase behavior are extremely complex, mainly reflected in five aspects: economic factors, social factors, physiological factors, psychological factors, and personality factors. (2) Understand the history and characteristics of design products. The main content consists of four steps, namely, investigating how the product is produced. What are the functions and characteristics? Who to sell to? How to sell? (3) Investigate market environment, market capacity and product competitors.

Through the above market research, the target market, consumer objects and competitors are identified, the unique sales value of the product is analyzed, the problem points and opportunities for design are clearly identified, and the essential things are identified for differentiated design, which distinguishes them from the packaging features of similar products. Come on.

(B) Personalized packaging design should strengthen the personalization tendency.

In the packaging and decoration, packaging structure, container design and other design efforts to tap the cultural connotation of products or companies, or take the road with the collection of national traditional culture, from the integration of a large number of high-tech labor, the formation of irreplaceable unique technology and stability Product features, specific or abstract bionic design. Such as the use of wine barrel modeling "wine barrel wine", the use of local folk theater face "God of God" modeling "safe wine", the use of laughing Maitreya Buddha shape "open laugh wine" ... and other bionic design, Its visual effects are very strong, the concept of innovation, distinctive personality, outstanding!

(C) Personalized packaging design must strengthen personalized visual impact.

Under normal circumstances, 80% of people's external information is obtained through the eye's attention, and attention is the starting point for consumers to choose goods. In order to attract consumers' attention, the personalized packaging design must include the product information that the packaging needs to convey through a logical visual process to guide the consumers' line of sight according to the designers' intentions, in the most reasonable order and in the most effective manner. Go to feel the best impression. The key lies in whether the graphics, words, and colors used by them can attract consumers' attention. Is it possible to attract the attention of customers so that consumers have positive psychological appeals and purchasing desires and achieve the purpose of purchase?
There are three design methods to effectively increase the visual impact of packaging: (1) To increase the stimulating intensity of graphic or text or color of the main body of a commodity package. The greater the stimuli intensity of the subject, the easier it is for the customer to pay attention. For example, the use of strong colors, bold and prominent fonts or patterns in the design will effectively stimulate the consumer's vision and improve the perception. (2) Expand the contrast between the primary and secondary aspects of commodity packaging. The stronger the contrast between design elements, the more likely it is for consumers to pay attention. Therefore, we can consciously design and deal with the contrast between the form, color, texture, size, thickness, light and shade, movement and other elements. However, attention should be paid to the relationship between reality and reality. The rhythm must be harmonious and properly distributed to facilitate the flow of sight in order to expand visual effects and increase consumers' attention. (3) In the packaging design, we can also use humorous, funny, and exaggerated design techniques to increase consumers' sensations of perceived interest.

(D) With the design of the Corporate Identity System (CIS), a personalized series of packaging design.
The corporate identity system aims to shape the unique image of the company. It uses the visual design elements as the focal point of the overall planning, uses the basic part of the corporate image as the basic symbol of communication, and applies it to various media for publicity. The packaging image has not formed a concentrated expression of the corporate image. Designers often based on the consumers' different understanding of the different attributes of the product, give the product a certain degree of characteristics to the merchandise group as a series of packaging design, using the same trademark pattern, the same standard font, the same form of design constitute the common characteristics of the package, To emphasize the personalized design of the package. Due to the recurrence of the same visual form, the consumer's impression of the product is deepened, so as to achieve the basic purpose of promoting sales. This will not only help establish a good corporate image and establish brand-name products, but also help improve the product's competitiveness and expand market share.

(5) Personalized packaging design must also be environmentally friendly.

The 21st century is a century of "greenism". The awareness of environmental protection has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The creation of packaging designs that are conducive to environmental protection and human health will be the goal pursued by consumers and designers today. Therefore, when packaging designers consider the effects of merchandise sales shelves, pursue design concepts and marketing interests, they should be guided by the interests of social groups, fully consider social costs and social responsibilities, and must consider the advantages and disadvantages of environmental protection. The value of design is not just the pursuit of Sales volume or flashy and excessive packaging, and should strive to reduce social costs, reduce environmental pollution, the use of limited natural resources in the design of the real benefits to consumers, green personalized packaging design!

All in all, to make individual packaging design intentions fully embodied, so that the goods really win in the competition, the design needs to focus on the consumer's psychological response, more from the emotional psychology of consumption, human satisfaction, social progress Consider giving them a unique and unique impression, highlighting the interests of consumers, and paying attention to the human environment! This packaging design enables consumers to feel personalized design intentions without knowing it! Personalized packaging design to maximize the consumer! Adapt to the development of commodity retailing in the 21st century!

Wen/Zhang Yongnian, School of Packaging Design, Hunan University of Technology

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