Three "good ways" to exercise without moving


Lift your neck fatigue

1. Sit in a chair , hold your head with both hands, and clamp your elbows to your face . At this time, with your strength, naturally lower your face and lean forward slightly. Hold on for 30 seconds. This action can relieve your neck fatigue.

2. sitting in a chair behind the finger fully cross-head, then the palm turned inside out, while in the hands straight, back as far as possible, extend downward, then you should also natural shoulders extending rearwardly. Hold for 30 seconds, this action can relieve the fatigue of your shoulders.

Relieve waist fatigue

1. Sit on the chair, hold the back of the chair with your hands to the right, keep your feet on the ground, and the waist will naturally extend to the right. When you hold the back of the chair to the left, your waist will naturally extend to the left. . Hold on each side for 30 seconds, this action can relieve the waist fatigue.  

2. stand up to the back of his right hand, then grabbed his right wrist with his left hand to pull to the left, in turn, give it a try! This stretch is also scattered in the Shu shoulder fatigue.

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