Internal structure of glass bottle manufacturers needs to be streamlined

We have analyzed that plastic bottles have rapidly occupied market share in the past and squeezed the leading glass bottles in the original packaging market. We analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of glass bottles and plastic bottles. Today, we analyze them from another perspective, namely glass bottles and plastic bottle companies.

Domestic glass bottle manufacturers generally have a long production history. Many manufacturers are state-owned or township enterprises. These glass bottle manufacturers have experienced the planned economy era. Many manufacturers still retain some management methods in the past planned economy era. The overall business strategy is not flexible enough. Plastic bottle manufacturers are exactly the opposite. Many plastic bottle manufacturers have started to establish themselves step by step in the form of individual or family workshops after the reform and opening up. In terms of scale and glass bottle manufacturers, it is not comparable. And these plastic bottle manufacturers are still facing a huge pressure for survival. However, the boat is better to turn around. Plastic bottle manufacturers are flexible in their business practices. And it is more proactive than the glass manufacturers in their sales strategy. Many glass bottle manufacturers do not bother with small orders and small companies. It is through these small orders and small businesses that plastic bottle manufacturers grow step by step. In the end, it surpassed the glass bottle manufacturers.

For many of our large glass bottle manufacturers, we believe it is necessary to streamline the internal structure and change our thinking. We should also be more active in the market to counter competition from plastic bottle companies.

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