Playing badminton knee pain, playing badminton, careful sacral strain

Badminton is a very healthy way of exercising, but if you exercise incorrectly, it is likely to damage your body, such as your cheekbones. So why do you play badminton with bone damage ?

The incidence of humeral strain in badminton is extremely high, and it is a very common injury in the knee joint, accounting for about 13% of the total badminton injury. About 3/4 of the injured kneeling injuries belong to this. Class, and half of the injured spread to both sides of the limbs, the injured will have a greater impact on their participation in badminton.


Why do you fight badminton bones ?

The knee joint is weak, soft and painful. When examined, the edge of the humerus can be found to be tender, the tibia is tender, and the knee is stretched to resist the pain. Some patients may have a positive tibia friction test. So why do you play badminton with bone damage ?

1. The cause of humeral strain is caused by a one-time knee injury, such as a severe impact ( falling, kneeling, etc. ) or a knee sprain. Most of the injured are from the knee joint. In the semi-squatting state, the activity is frequent and the load is excessive, and the cartilage surface of the tibia and the joint is caused by excessive load, repeated friction, or slight damage. Practice is unscientific and unreasonable, too much or too concentrated in the knee joint half-clamping posture, force squat, jump, change direction and other exercises, sudden increase in knee load or special exercises after the injury stops practicing, is caused The most common cause of knee injury.

2 , preparation activities are not sufficient, muscle strength near the knee joint is poor, usually do not pay attention to protect the knee joint, it is more likely to induce such damage. The principle is: when the knee joint is in the semi-ankle position, the stability of the joint is reduced, and the quadriceps muscle wraps around the tibia and the tensile force of the ligament code and the corresponding articular cartilage surface of the tibia and femur. The stress is significantly increased.

3 , when the knee joint is in the semi-ankle movement, such as sliding step, swivel movement, squat jump, etc., will make the humeral cartilage surface more stress and greater friction, such force exceeds the physiological load of the tissue, It will cause damage and destruction of local tissue cells, causing a series of pathological changes.


How to deal with and recover from the sacral strain ?

Take active practice and rehabilitation measures. Commonly used treatments are: physical therapy ( infrared irradiation ultrashort wave, etc. ) , Chinese herbal medicine external application, acupuncture and massage around the lower extremities and knee joints, if necessary, can be injected into the joint cavity or pain points, but should be cautious.

Once the player has suffered from tibia strain, he should reasonably arrange the post-injury practice according to the different injuries and adopt a combination of training and training.

For minor injuries ( knee weakness, soreness, active opening, symptom loss ), it is possible to strengthen the knee exercise with a certain intensity, and adjust the special exercise with a large amount of knee joint load.

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