Printing industry informatization construction (printing ERP) past and present

Before 2003: ERP in the printing industry, a forgotten industry The printing industry is an industry with low entry barrier under the market economy system. As long as you have a certain amount of funds, you can purchase printing equipment, recruit workers, and undertake business. There is no threshold for the initial scale, and one or two small machines can also be operated. Because the payroll printing industry is related to ideology, there is a certain limit to the entry of the printing industry during the long process of transition from the planned economic system to the market economy. The high printing price of 60 yuan to 80 yuan in one color order is also in this situation, and this just misleads a large amount of funds to invest in the printing industry. Today, many regulations restricting access to the industry have basically disappeared, and the printing industry has regained its low threshold nature. Therefore, the printing industry is now a fully competitive industry and has entered its own era of meager profit. The payroll printing industry in the era of meager profits is bound to face tremendous bargaining pressure. On the other hand, the full competition of the printing industry itself has greatly weakened its bargaining power. The interaction between the two led to an era of low profit and chaos for the entire printing industry.

In view of the small and complex industries in the printing industry, the differences in the production processes, processes, and processes with a wide range of production links Small and medium-sized software manufacturers are all versatile industry software features from concept to product due to their technical strength and deep understanding of the industry. While the slogans of general-purpose ERP vendors are rising one after another, customers' doubts and complaints are also overwhelming. I hoped to launch ERP, but found that it was far away from the expectation, and the input and output were inverted, and the result was very disappointing. The company complained: "It is not ERP that serves people, but people who serve ERP." Some are abandoned halfway, and some are like chicken ribs.

The whole industry is undergoing changes, and a big change in ERP is inevitable!

After 2007, the construction of printing informatization, striving to catch up, and struggling to break through informatization is the only way for China's printing industry. Overall, the improvement of China's printing industry in management lags far behind the update of equipment. Relative to advanced equipment that is almost synchronized with the world, extensive management has always been the bottleneck restricting the development of most enterprises. This is precisely the internal driving force for enterprises to pursue informatization. For those enterprises with a certain scale and long-term development vision, facing the imbalanced supply and demand in the industry, and the fierce competition between the upstream and downstream sides, there is no choice but to use information technology to make up for the shortcomings in the management of the enterprise as soon as possible.

Different from any other industry, after years of bloody lessons, the ERP of Chinese printing companies has become the dominance of all localized industry software. Although the foreign ERP introduced by some companies in the past few years has brought new management concepts and visual impact, it eventually disappeared. In fact, we found that some general manufacturing ERP software in China is still free from the characteristics of the printing industry, and few individual applications have always been limited to the traditional financial management. This is not a comprehensive solution that printing companies are eagerly eager for. Program. Foreign brands and GM's manufacturing ERP are not suitable for Chinese printing companies. This is an important conclusion in exchange for a high price. Whether or not the shoes fit will be known only when they are worn. Because the functional positioning of these software in the early stage of design failed to foresee the diversity of the business environment and business models of Chinese printing companies, it lacked the industry's pertinence and was inherently insufficient. Even if several softwares are selected to complement each other to construct the application system of the enterprise, it still cannot avoid a series of troubles such as poor timeliness, complicated maintenance and high operation cost brought about by the information island. In addition, product prices and services are also difficult to accept. But we are still grateful. After all, the enlightenment it gives us is indispensable. Industry characteristics, full integration, Chinese printing companies call for their professional ERP.

The technology industry has specialized in the increasingly detailed division of labor today. Informatization construction has R & D capabilities and is aimed at printing industry ERP manufacturers. It is undoubtedly a wise choice to reduce business operating costs. This is the mainstream mode of printing enterprise informatization, and it is a good and economical way for most enterprises that want to go to ERP. Over the past ten years, there have been several good printing ERP products in China, each with a group of users. As one of the important towns in China's printing industry, Shanghai has also emerged with a completely independent intellectual property Godot ERP (acquired by Shanghai Yinzhi Software in 2011, with 11 printing industry copyrights), suitable for packaging printing, commercial printing, Book printing, label printing, flexible packaging printing, special material printing and many other printing fields have not only won the favor of a group of enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, but also have a good reputation, making Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Hebei, Sichuan, Chongqing, Liaoning , Yunnan and other places are coming near. 8 offices across the country, with services covering South China, Southwest China, East China, North China, Northeast China, Northwest China, etc. Software + service has been adopted in Shanghai Anxing Huidong, Chongqing Taiji Government Printing, Shandong Red Sun, Ningxia Xinhua Printing, Yunnan More than 300 companies such as Publishing Group and Guangdong Dunhuang Printing have achieved large-scale success, forming a de facto corporate management salon. Effective management experience can be shared among enterprises through the application of ERP.

After 2011, printing ERP, configuration system, leading the way, of course, professional printing ERP software manufacturers also have losers. Many users of Indy ERP have encountered Waterloo in the past, and are now starting a new game. Talking about the frustration before and the joy now, they have a deep feeling of finding a confidant. In order to prevent latecomers from repeating the same mistakes, industry experts suggest that software selection must pay attention to the advanced nature of the ERP system framework, the expansion of the system, and the forward-looking management concept.

There are numerous softwares claiming to be ERP on the market, but their functions are very different. Printing ERP is a comprehensive requirement of printing enterprises for management informationization, and the pros and cons of depth and breadth depend entirely on the vision and knowledge of software vendors. What needs to be pointed out is that the complexity and particularity of the printing industry make the requirements of ERP almost demanding. Many ERP products are designed based on the experience and capabilities of the developers, failing to foresee or avoid these points and difficulties, so the framework and foundation of their ERP products are fragile and will inevitably bear the weight of the future. Other ERP software is only suitable for enterprises that process certain types of products. When the business expands to diversity, it is simply not competent. For example, many companies used to only do book and business printing, but later developed to double as packaging and even corrugated; originally only offset printing, and then developed to wheel printing; originally only printed on paper, and later developed to plastic printing; originally a single enterprise , And later developed into a group enterprise and so on. Obviously, as an ERP dedicated to printing, it must be foreseen, it needs to have a differentiated version, and at least a smooth transition when the demand changes, and it will not be pushed back. People in the industry know that the complexity is far from ordinary.

In order to adapt to the development of the industry, the ERP system must have a configuration platform (reducing secondary development as much as possible, bringing extra costs to the customer and system instability factors), to meet the different needs of customers at different stages, and to achieve a truly vital ERP With the following conditions:

1. Process reorganization function: The process must be able to carry out business process reorganization function along with customer business expansion and department integration;

2. Language customization function: meet group customers, headquartered in the United States, operating in Hong Kong, production in the mainland, English, traditional, simplified Chinese, can be switched freely;

3. Report customization function: the cumbersome various reports in the printing industry, each customer's needs are different, the report function in ERP must allow customers to customize according to their special circumstances;

4. Custom audit function: Various audits have different levels of management refinement due to different stages of business development of the enterprise. The ERP system must have a custom audit function to meet the needs of different stages;

5. The function of unclear items: derived from SAP's unique management concept, each department listed in the system and the items that each person should do every day, urge employees to achieve the effect of "every day is clear, the day is clear and the day is high". Change employee thinking and work patterns.

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